Understanding Herbalist & Alchemist Men’s Health Formulas

Understanding Herbalist & Alchemist Men’s Health Formulas

Men’s Health is a neglected area, but it’s always been an important segment for Herbalist & Alchemist. David Winston has been working with men’s health issues from the time he became an herbalist. Men, often reluctant to talk about themselves, have felt comfortable discussing their concerns with him.

David observes, “Many predominant health concerns arise from the fact that life is stressful, which takes a physical and mental toll.

  • Our phones, tablets and computers keep us tethered to work, 24/7. Unhealthy lifestyle choices predominate: we do not get enough sleep, many people eat calorie-rich, but nutrient-poor diets, we don’t exercise enough, and we don’t practice stress reduction techniques.
  • For men specifically, culture tells them they have to be self-sufficient, independent, and unemotional. 
  • While there are some positive aspects to these qualities, they often leave men feeling isolated, angry, and disconnected from their feelings. 
  • It also explains why men are much more reluctant than women to seek medical care even when experiencing serious symptoms, get preventive screenings, or explore their bottled-up emotions.” 

H&A formulas for men’s issues are based on David Winston’s nearly 50 years of working with men through all of life’s stages in his clinical herbal practice. These formulas combine high quality organically grown and ecologically harvested botanicals. Each extract is made by our trained production herbalists and then blended into these synergistically designed formulas.
Why formulas? Conventional wisdom likes to identify one herb as the “best” for specific conditions, which is how we got the myth that Saw Palmetto is THE prostate herb. The truth is that herbs generally work best in combination, rather than the allopathic / pharmaceutical approach of addressing a condition with a single herb. The combination of those herbs is greater than the sum of its parts.

David Winston RH(AHG) Men’s Health formulas support men through significant life stages:

Men's Prostate Tonic™ supports healthy prostate function and urine flow. It contains Saw Palmetto, Collinsonia, Stinging Nettle root and Sage. This formula benefits men experiencing lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). It is indicated for (normalizing urinary frequency). This synergistic formula is more effective than Saw Palmeto alone in maintaining a healthy prostate and reducing urinary frequency and incomplete emptying of the the bladder.*

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Men’s Adapt™ combines the well-researched adaptogens Ashwagandha and Red Ginseng, with Chinese kidney yang tonics  Cynomorium/Suo Yang and Epimedium/Horny Goat Weed and the restorative tonic Maca. It supports healthy sexual function and libido for men of all ages, as well as endocrine, immune and nervous system functions. This formula combines adaptogens, circulatory tonics and restorative tonics herbs to promote healthy male sexual functioning and HPA axis function. Ashwagandha and Red Ginseng are adaptogens that normalize endocrine, nervous system and immune functions. Both herbs have reputations for strengthening reproductive function especially in tired, overworked, and stressed-out men.*  

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Men’s Midlife Tonic™ supports the hormonal, emotional, and physical changes that occur during Andropause. It contains Oat milky seed, Ashwagandha root, Mimosa bark, Saw Palmetto berry, Black Cohosh root, orange extract and Pulsatilla root or herb.  This formula is designed for middle aged men to address changes in hormone levels causing sleep issues, decreased sexual functioning, weight gain, moodiness or irritability - collectively, Andropause. * 

Milky oat is one of the great nerve trophorestoratives. It gently helps to restore emotional balance and is useful for anxiety or irritability. Ashwagandha is a calming adaptogen that also enhances testosterone levels and libido. It has also shown the ability to reduce the effects of chronic stress and alleviate anxiety. Black Cohosh is effective for treating hormonal irritability, which includes andropausal stress in men. Mimosa bark or He Huan Pi (Collective Happiness Bark) is one of the most effective herbal mood elevators known. It can be used for irritability, grief and “broken hearts”. Saw Palmetto is mostly known for its beneficial effects on the prostate gland. and also helps relieve “Grumpy Old Man Syndrome.” Pulsatilla is used in very small amounts for hormonal anxiety, irritability, moodiness and “fly off the handle” anger. *

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This blog is intended as an informational guide. The remedies, approaches and techniques described herein are meant to supplement, not be a substitute for, professional medical care or treatment. They should not be used to treat a serious ailment without prior consultation with a qualified health care professional.

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